It's all about delivering
あまんだ 台湾台北出身、早稲田大学卒業。東京の Zen Foto Gallery を経て、2018年に独立し、自身のクリエイティブブランド「intermediArt 中介藝術」を設立。写真、書籍、工芸、デザイン、印刷など多岐にわたる分野で国内外のプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。2022 年から 2024 年には京都国際写真祭 KYOTOGRAPHIE の展示制作統括を務め、現在は「Maana Homes」や「京都 昌幸堂」のブランディングに携わりながら、「二手舎 京都」の店主としても活躍し、暮らしの中に本とお茶が溶け込む空間を創造しています。

Amanda Ling-Ning Lo, Creative Director
Born in Taipei, Taiwan. Amanda earned her bachelor's degree in Art and Expression from Waseda University, School of International Liberal Studies. With 8 years of experience as a manager and photography book editor/designer at Zen Foto Gallery in Tokyo, she founded intermediArt in 2018, marking the beginning of her creative journey across various industries. Amanda previously served as the Head of Exhibition Production at KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival and currently collaborates closely with SHOKODO KYOTO, which is operated by the art printing house Shubisya, to create products with Kyoto artisans. In 2024, she joined MAANA HOMES, a boutique hotel in Kyoto, to focus on branding initiatives, research, and development. Additionally, Amanda runs NITESHA KYOTO, a living art space inspired by photography and books.
Based in Kyoto and possessing a global perspective, she is passionate about multifaceted communication and resource integration. She also enjoys meeting and collaborating with people from around the world.
羅苓寧 出生於台北,台灣。畢業於早稻田大學。職歷東京「Zen Foto Gallery」藝廊經理及攝影書籍編輯設計師後,於2018年成立個人創意品牌「intermediArt|中介藝術」,開啟了她在多樣領域中的創意之旅。2022年至2024年間,她擔任「KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都國際攝影節」的展覽製作總監。目前,她與由藝術印刷公司修美社經營的「京都 昌幸堂」密切合作,與工藝師共同創作產品。2024年,她加入了京都的精品旅店「MAANA HOMES」的核心團隊,專注於品牌策劃、研究和開發。此外,她同時身兼藝文空間「二手舎 京都」的主理人。身處京都但放眼全球,她擅長多面向的溝通,對資源整合充滿熱情,喜歡與來自世界各地的各行各業人士交流與合作。